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Mesomap of Plains Weather Network Stations

 Temperature   Dew Point   Humidity   Wind from direction @ Speed/Gust   Rain today   Barometer & Trend   Current Conditions   Fire Danger based on 
 Chandler Burn Index 

16 °F DP 10 °F 77 % Wind from SSESSE  0 mph 0.00 in 30.59 inSteady Metar KOMA: Clear Clear  Low  Carter Lake

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Des Moines

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Otley

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Hays

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Lenexa

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline McLouth

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Newton

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Overland Park

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Topeka

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Wichita

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Bemidji

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Minnetonka

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline N Moorhead

21 °F DP 13 °F 72 % Wind from NNWNNW  0 mph 0.00 in 30.50 inSteady Metar KMCI: Overcast Overcast  Low  Trimble

21 °F DP 16 °F 80 % Wind from SS  4 G 4 mph 0.00 in 30.47 inSteady Overcast Overcast  Low  Friend

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Kearney

22 °F DP 15 °F 73 % Wind from SS  0 mph 0.00 in 30.54 inSteady Metar KLNK: Clear Clear  Low  Lincoln

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Monroe

-2 °F DP -7 °F 81 % Wind from WW  7 G 12 mph 0.00 in 30.61 inSteady Metar KBIS: Clear Clear  Low  Bismarck

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Watford City

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Carnegie

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Collinsville

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Elkton

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Spearfish

Conditions data shown was collected
from Mon, 10-Feb-2025 00:26:54 CST to Mon, 10-Feb-2025 00:28:02 CST

The Plains Weather Network is an affiliation of personal weather websites located in the Plains states in the USA (ND, SD, NE, KS). This station is proud to be a member of this network. Please take a moment to visit other stations on the network by clicking on the map above or clicking on the links below. Stations are displaying current conditions, temperature, dew point, humidity, wind speed/gust speed, today's rain, barometer/trend, Chandler Burning Index and time of last update where available.

Current member stations of the Plains Weather Network

as of Tue, 04-Nov-2014 12:45:29 CST

  1. Iowa
    1. Carter Lake [ Weather, Lightning, Webcam ]
    2. Des Moines [ Weather ]
    3. Otley [ Weather, Lightning, Webcam ]
  2. Kansas
    1. Hays [ Weather ]
    2. Lenexa [ Weather ]
    3. McLouth [ Weather ]
    4. Newton [ Weather, Lightning ]
    5. Overland Park [ Weather, Lightning, WebCam ]
    6. Topeka [ Weather ]
    7. Wichita [ Weather, WebCam ]
  3. Minnesota
    1. Bemidji [ Weather ]
    2. Minnetonka [ Weather, Lightning ]
    3. N Moorhead [ Weather ]
  4. Missouri
    1. Trimble [ Weather, Lightning, Webcam ]
  5. Nebraska
    1. Friend [ Weather, Lightning ]
    2. Kearney [ Weather ]
    3. Lincoln [ Weather, WebCam, Lightning ]
    4. Monroe [ Weather ]
  6. North Dakota
    1. Bismarck [ Weather ]
    2. Watford City [ Weather ]
  7. Oklahoma
    1. Carnegie [ Weather, WebCam ]
    2. Collinsville [ Weather ]
  8. South Dakota
    1. Elkton [ Weather ]
    2. Spearfish [ Weather, Webcam ]
Carter Lake: 16°F, DP 10°F, 77%, SSE 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.59in Steady, Metar KOMA: Clear Des Moines - no current conditions report Otley - no current conditions report Hays - no current conditions report Lenexa - no current conditions report McLouth - no current conditions report Newton - no current conditions report Overland Park - no current conditions report Topeka - no current conditions report Wichita - no current conditions report Bemidji - no current conditions report Minnetonka - no current conditions report N Moorhead - no current conditions report Trimble: 21°F, DP 13°F, 72%, NNW 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.50in Steady, Metar KMCI: Overcast Friend: 21°F, DP 16°F, 80%, S 4 G 4 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.47in Steady, Overcast Kearney - no current conditions report Lincoln: 22°F, DP 15°F, 73%, S 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.54in Steady, Metar KLNK: Clear Monroe - no current conditions report Bismarck: -2°F, DP -7°F, 81%, W 7 G 12 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.61in Steady, Metar KBIS: Clear Watford City - no current conditions report Carnegie - no current conditions report Collinsville - no current conditions report Elkton - no current conditions report Spearfish - no current conditions report

Note: Click on table column heading below to sort table by that column's vaues.


Dew Pt.
Wind Avg
Iowa Carter Lake Metar KOMA: Clear 16 10 77 SSE Wind from SSE 0 0 0.00
Steady 00:27:55
Missouri Trimble Metar KMCI: Overcast 21 13 72 NNW Wind from NNW 0 0 0.00
Steady 00:26:54
Nebraska Friend Overcast 21 16 80 Wind from S 4 4 0.00
Steady 00:27:58
Nebraska Lincoln Metar KLNK: Clear 22 15 73 Wind from S 0 0 0.00
Steady 00:28:02
North Dakota Bismarck Metar KBIS: Clear -2 -7 81 Wind from W 7 12 0.00
Steady 00:28:02